2013년 12월 31일 화요일

The Sea Garden early copy giveaway

The Sea Garden early copy giveaway

A very exciting parcel from New York this week...some early copies of The Sea Garden. Known as "boundgalleys", these are uncorrected proofs, the same textI worked on a few weeks back, bound intopaperback form. There are a few mistakes, which have now been setright. These versions are intended forbook marketsand early reviewers, so I was wondering if any of you here would like a chance to read it now? I only have a few copies, so this will have to be a lucky dip. Please put a comment on this post and I will draw a name out of a hat in a week's time.Don't forget to leave a blog link oranother way for me to contact you. Or, if you prefer, go over tomy official facebook page, "like" it and leave a comment on the giveaway post there.Good luck!

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